San Diego Velodrome Clinic

July 5, 2009

Velodrome, fixed gear bicycles, banked corners...all foreign to me. I will admit that I was a bit nervous about this outing. We gathered early to get fitted to one of the velodromes track bikes and gathered around the infield for some instruction. Keep pedaling were the words that stuck in my mind...after all, the pedals don't stop until the bike stops. There are no brakes, and definitely no coasting on these rigs.

Lisa Jennings was our instructor. She taught us some basics and had a fellow Scott & BR Cycling Team rider demonstrate the fundamentals. We started out with some basics, learning how to start, get strapped in, stop, etc... The drills were a blast, I did not realize until later how much they hurt!

Once we were all comfortable we did some sprints. We all raced the clock in the flying 200. Everyone was cheering and having a great time. My elapsed time however, not so great... I was hurting. I put in a few to many miles over the long weekend and underestimated the beating 140 miles puts on the body. We then did a full lap sprint. Talk about burn! Legs, lungs, core, everything was on fire during the hot lap.

After all the times were logged we took a group picture and chatted it up a bit. I am still ecstatic to have been chosen to ride with this group and participate in the Scott & BR Cycling Team radio contest. Great people! Thanks again Mike, Lisa, and the CAF/QMDC Crew!

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