Final Training Ride

October 11, 2009

Today was the last early Sunday morning training ride but there were smiles everywhere.  After completing 20 weeks of training and logging 1,000+ miles on Sundays alone, everyone is in fantastic shape and ready to tackle the 620 scheduled miles from San Francisco to San Diego next week.  I am sure that many saw the program as a daunting task, but with the incredible support of our ride leaders, coach, and support crew, we all made it.  I was still caught up in the 'high' of winning The Scott and BR Cycling Challenge and was again overwhelmed with kind words and congratulations of fellow Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge riders, Scott & BR Cycling Challenge teammates, and great friends.  It is a huge honor and I will cherish the journey, the support and friendships it took to get here, and the QMDC experience for my lifetime.

The pre-ride briefing had a special speaker this morning.  One of the challenged athletes and hand-cycle studs, Fred, took a moment to thank us for all that we do for the Challenged Athletes Foundation.  He shared his story, about how he was injured in a motorcycle accident years ago and how "in an instant" his whole life had changed, from how he lived to how others viewed him.  Then he explained how athletics turned that all around.  He went from being a guy in a wheelchair going to see his mother to a competitive athlete and how athletics and competition changed his and others perspective.  Rock on Fred!  Your story and attitude is truly inspirational, we were all touched by your words and proud to support you and the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

The ride was a short one.  A almost 40 miler to recover, relax, and enjoy each others company as we make the final preparations for next week.  I started with Groups 1 and 2 to talk to the folks I haven't had a chance to ride with over the last few weeks.  Even after 20 weeks, I am still meeting great people.  I spent some time with David Crabb this week as we decided to fall off the Group 1 pace and head back to Group 3 for the rest of the ride.  We all had a great time out on the final ride.  It was blessed with great weather and filled with good company.

This Friday I board a plane to San Francisco, and on Saturday we start the epic seven day journey down the coast.  I am really excited, and honored to share this experience with all my new Great Friends in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge.  See you all in San Francisco!

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