Last Big Weekend, Last Big Ride

October 5, 2009

This weekend was the final push to get some big numbers on the fundraising board, before the announcement of the winner of The Scott & BR Cycling Challenge and the start of the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge.  A few teammates and I set up shop at the Scripps Ranch Farmer's Market to sell some more BBQ Island Opportunity Drawing Tickets and promote the CAF and XX1090am.  We set up bright and early.  Thank you Bev for giving us the space for free!  We had the canopy, a bunch of tables wrapped with XX1090am roll banner, a big Challenged Athletes Foundation banner, CAF information, the prized BBQ Burner, a bike in setup in the trainer, and complimentary coffee and baked goods.  We even wore the Scott & BR Cycling Team jerseys.  We had some folks show up that heard the plug on XX1090, thanks to Scott Kaplan for the plug (it was right after former teammate Chris Glossner called in and won the prize pack and asked when they were going to start covering bowling).  We raised about $250 and talked to scores of people about the CAF and QMDC.  I even sold a ticket to a former CAF board member.  Many thanks to Alex, Mark, and Rob L. for the big effort!  And thanks to Pang for all of the support through the long week.

Sunday was a big ride, advertised as 92 miles with 4400 feet of climbing, but logged at 5600'.  It was a chilly start, I had to break out the arm warmers for the first time since my ride down the coast in June.  I rode in group 3 today along with several other radio show guys (Alex, Pat, Mark, and the yogurt-shop-singing-guy Brian).  Straight out of the gate we were plagued with issues.  Flat tire after flat tire, 7 in total for the day.  But morale was high and everyone was having fun, smiling and enjoying the sunshine and scenery.  The climbs were tough but we all dieseled through and worked as a group when we got hit with the vicious winds.  On one stretch in Rice Canyon, Alex pointed out that you could hear the wind blowing through the trees.  A much missed and familiar sound that I do not get to hear very often.  I suppose it is the simple things, sometimes...

Once we cleared the head winds along the San Luis Rey bike path it was back to the familiar coastal route down the Pacific Coast Highway from Oceanside to Solana Beach.  We had a nice double paceline pushing through the breeze, which was nice because I was not feeling 100% at the end.  I fought a fierce headache and was simply tired from the long week fundraising and getting my work tasks accomplished.

Just one mile from the end, I spotted teammate Rob Millum off the side of the road with a flat.  I stopped and gave him a hand and helped pull him back to our cars at Fletcher Cove.

I cannot express how much I have enjoyed this experience.  From the radio contest to the weekly training rides, it has all been a fun-filled and memorable four months for me.  Thank you, Challenge Athletes Foundation staff, Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge crew, ride leaders, support staff, my family and friends, and mostly thanks to the challenged athletes for the inspiration to get out and make a difference.

The epic ride down the California Coast is less than two weeks from today.  I am very humbled to be included with this fantastic group of 100 riders on this journey of 620 miles.  But first, the winner of The Scott & BR Cycling Challenge has to be announced.  I am in great company in the final 3.  I am very happy to have been able to get to know and grown with them and all of the other contestants.  We have all worked very hard to get this far, but unfortunately only one can be crowned the winner.  Tune in to XX1090am this Wednesday morning to The Scott & BR Show, 5-9am pacific time.  Winner should be announced at 6:45.  No radio?  Listen online.   Who will win, Alex, Joy, or me?

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