Another Elimination Tomorrow, Cutting Down to Two

September 29, 2009

We have trained for 17 weeks.
We have logged nearly 1,000 miles.
We have all become great friends, working together for a great cause.

Tonight there are still three finalists in the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge, Joy, Alex, and myself.  Tomorrow there will only be two.

Tune in tomorrow to The Scott & BR Show 5am - 9am on XX1090am or listen online.  One finalist will be cut around 6:45am.

Good Luck Joy and Alex.

San Clemente Take 2

September 27, 2009

After my monster nap yesterday, I was concerned with falling asleep last night and more so waking up in time this morning for the QMDC training ride.  The alarm went off at 5:30 and I was up and ready to go.  We met up at Fletcher Cove as we normally do and congratulated and thanked each other for the successful fundraising weekend.  We even had a chance to grab a photo of the final 3.

Unfortunately, one of us will be cut from the team this week.  We don't know what will happen or how the decision is made, but I do know this.  It has been an honor to make it this far with Alex and Joy.  You are great people and great friends.

We were supposed to head up the coast and have a big ride inland, but the temperatures have been rather warm lately and the coaches decided to modify the ride to go up the coast to San Clemente and back.  Same mileage, less hills and heat.  Before the ride, Hooter asked me if I would help him today with group 4 and be his sweeper, since he was fighting the crud.  I was flattered and happy to lend a hand.I was joined by a big group of the Scott & BR Cycling Team Final 10, Brian, Joy, Pat, and Mark also rolled with the "Fun Group" aka G4.  I did not have the chance to get any miles in this week, so G4 suited me pretty well.  We got split at a bunch of stoplights in the beginning and had one rider decide that he did not have it in him to ride today after a few miles.  Hooter went back to find him while I was the locomotive pulling the split train of riders back to the main group.  No sooner than we had caught up, there was a flat.  A huge tire cut...  I was not carrying a boot, so we fixed it with a dollar bill and some duct tape.  It held until San Clemente, and Dr. Bob went to a LBS and got a new tire.  I was very impressed with the riding in the group today, everyone rode strong and had a great time.  At Camp Pendleton, Hooter pulled the pin and rode back.  I hope you feel better soon, Hooter!

The ride back was pretty uneventful aside from Jodi having some mechanical issues resulting from a crash a few weeks ago.  Her front rim was a bit bent and rubbing a little.  No one wants to ride with extra resistance, so I tried everything I could to fix it, but there was still something holding her back.  She powered through and we met up with Diane in Oceanside and enjoyed a casual pace back to the cove.  Great job everyone, and thanks for the privilege of being your 'sweeper'.

Well, this is an end to another memorable week with a great group of people.  I have enjoyed every moment of this journey and again will say I am very please to call you all my friends.  Tune in this Wednesday for another elimination from the Scott & BR Cycling Team.  It is hard to believe that we have been training together for 17 weeks, and in less than 2 there will be only one rider left to claim victory.  I suppose time does fly when you are having fun...

Many Thanks

September 27, 2009

There is so much to write about!  I have been so busy the last few days that I have been unable to share until now.

I assisted Joy with the Brew Bash on Friday and what a success it was!  There were tons of people there to support The Challenged Athletes Foundation and assisting Joy with her fundraising goal.  There was a HUGE spread of silent auction items, raffle prizes, a very successful singles auction, and good food and drink.  It looks like the event raised over $6,000 for the cause!  Impressive!  I had several items in the auction and walk away pleased with around $1,000 for the lot.  Thanks everyone for helping out and donating.  The Scott & BR Cycling Team was there in force, too, helping to keep the show running.  Great job everyone and congratulations to Joy!

I woke up early on Saturday to get my fundraiser kicked off.  The Poker Run was a hit too.  I had about 25 friends ride and raised $500.  There were lots of smiles, and everyone agreed that it was a fun experience.  Unfortunately, it was a bit warm (temps brushing 90 degrees at the end of Scripps Poway Parkway).  Thanks to everyone for showing up and riding, and thanks for supporting CAF!  And thanks to my teammates for showing up and helping out.  Alex, Brian, Joe, Joy, and Rob, you guys are great friends!  Thanks to my "San Diego family," Bob and Mary White and Louise Smith for helping at the card stops, too.  You guys are wonderful.

Dude, where's my key?!?  After the ride, we realized that Alex gave Joe the key to his car.  Then Joe gave it to Joy.  Joy was tired so she went home, with the key and then turned off her phone and went to sleep.  Oops!  After numerous attempts to reach her, we abandoned hope.  Joe rode home, and I took Alex to Joy's home to fetch the key.  We stirred a confused Joy from her deep slumber, through the sleep stupor, she found the key and we got Alex on his way.

I was extremely exhausted.  It was a long week.  Planning, fundraising, work, and life in general had wiped me out.  I sat on the couch to catch a movie, and woke up 7 hours later.  Wow, I have never taken a nap so long in my life.

Thanks again everyone for a fantastic weekend!

Only Three Remain

September 24, 2009

After the programming delay on Wednesday (and lots of nerves waiting an additional 24 hours), we gathered on the phone lines again with Scott & BR for the opening of the 4 remaining envelopes that will reveal our fate.  To our surprise, Joy was in the studio.  To her surprise, she had to be the one to open the envelopes and read the results, harsh!

Rob Millum opened with some incredible words prior to the announcement, very touching and very true.  I would venture to say that all of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge team members feel exactly the same.  I could not have said it better myself if I tried.  Basically, we all came together as competitors but quickly realized that this is about way more than a ride down the coast.  It's about the inspirational stories of the challenged athletes, it about the friendships and camaraderie, its about being an ambassador for the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Then the survivor music came on...

Envelope number one was mine.  Joy opens it, I am safe.
Envelope number two was Brian's.  Joy opens it, he is going home.
Envelope number three was Alex's.  Joy opens it, he is safe, Rob is going home.

Eliminations are so hard.  I do not know who is making the decisions or what the criteria is, but I do know that we are all working really hard, promoting XX1090 and CAF, and training our behinds off.  We have become really close friends over the last few months, and these are the friendships that will last for ages.

So here's the final three.  Joy, Alex, and myself.  We are great friends and have been working together from pretty much the beginning brainstorming fundraising ideas and supporting each other with our individual efforts.  I am proud to be at this stage of the contest standing next to these two wonderful individuals.  I was asked if being in the final three going to change tactics?  No way, I am positive that I speak for the other 2 when I say that we are going to keep doing the same things we have been doing: Training hard, Promoting the CAF and XX1090, helping other riders out, fundraising, and having a great time along the way.

Thanks for you support everyone, see you this weekend.

Brew Bash Fundraiser Friday Night at La Jolla Brew House
Poker Run Fundraiser Saturday morning
See link(s) on the right side of blog for more information.

Poker Run This Saturday, September 26

Join us and support the CAF with a fun 40 mile Poker Run! We will start and end at the park (3700 Townsgate Drive, Please park in the lower level lot.) The ride will take us over the 3 Witches, through Santa Luz and PQ, then loop around Scripps Ranch for some popular climbs before cutting through Mira Mesa/Sorrento Valley back to the start. Head out to the 67 on Scripps Poway Parkway for a bonus card.

Cost is $25. All Proceeds go to Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Water will be provided at 2 of the card stops.

Preview the course here.

Whats a Poker Run? Basically there will be 5 places to stop and get a card. The person with the best hand at the end of the day, wins. The person with the worst, wins something too. Don't worry, you don't have to be an expert as it is totally luck of the draw. Ties will be decided with a hand of heads up 5 card stud.

Please RSVP. Email me:

It will be a fun time. Come on out!

Commemerative Challenged Athletes Foundation Statues

September 23, 2009

My mother donated three beautiful, one of a kind commemorative CAF/QMDC statues to help raise funds for the CAF.  One has been donated to the ride leaders for their event, Rendezvous in the Ranch on Thursday, October 1.  One will be featured at the Brew Bash, this Friday at the LaJolla Brew House.  And the last is being auctioned on ebay.  Please visit and bid here.  Auction ends October 3, 2009.

These statues are one of a kind originals, handmade in Indiana by the artist in her garden studio.  The statues are created from stoneware pottery slab, fired and glazed and makes a great, unique addition to your home or office. The finish is earth toned and features a CAF sprocket medallion, the body is stamped with the phrase "Change Gears, Change Lives," the inside of the body is signed by the artist. All proceeds go directly to CAF, please bid today, help the CAF, and receive a one of a kind piece to remind yourself of the wonderful experience and friendships made during the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge.

Also available are 2009 Qualcomm Million Dollar Plaques for order.  Each plaque is roughly 8" in diameter and shaped like a chainring.  It is stamped with "Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge" in the middle with the year, and CAF stamped into the clay around the outside.  Price is $30.  Send me an email to order yours today.

About the artist:

Announcement Delayed...

September 23, 2009

The fab five was on the phone with Scott & BR this morning waiting for the announcement of the final 3.  After brief interviews, the familiar sound of sharpening knives came over the speaker.  There are 5 envelopes, each one with one of our names on it.  What's inside?  The verdict, will we stay or go?

Then the announcement.  Scott asked BR who's envelope he would like to see opened first and there was a brief debate between Alex "The Comeback Kid" Hamlow and "Naked" Joy.  So they opened Joy's envelope....she's in!  Congrats Joy!

"Sorry guys, we are out of time, time for the salute to the Marine Corps, we will have to continue tomorrow."  Ugh.  Oh well, I suppose I can wait.

Tune in tomorrow at 6:45 to see which 2 of the 4 guys will be sent home.  XX1090am or

Only Three Will Move Forward...

September 22, 2009

It's elimination time again folks.  Tomorrow morning at 6:45 all of the fab five of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge will be on the phone lines with Scott & BR.  2 eliminations will be made and there is no immunity this time.  Tune in to the Scott & BR Show on XX1090am to hear the results, or go online and find it here.

Last week they mixed it up a bit and sent us out on promotion duty.  Everyone put in a huge effort.  Am I nervous?  You bet, and I am sure each of us in the fab five are sharing this feeling.

Two of our team have met the fundraising requirements and we are all making huge strides toward the goal.  It has been a fantastic journey riding with the QMDC crew, sharing the experience, the inspiration, and forming great friendships all at the same time.  Being a part of this experience with CAF is truly a gift that I will enjoy for a lifetime.  Good luck everyone, and see you on the road.

Greatest Western

September 20, 2009

Today we tackled my favorite of all the well known rides in San Diego, the Great Western.  I showed up early to double X the parking lot and spread my banners around the entrances prior to the other riders showing up.  I saved all the banners (except for one that I left on Torrey Pines, but was gone when I went back to collect it...oops, I feel bad about it.)  The riders trickled in and we had our normal morning routine, briefing, event announcements, then we rode off. The new HRT has been treating me very well, and I have been feeling great so I rode with Group 1 and 2.  I have ridden with each group but G1 so I decided that that I would try to hang on.   A little background on this ride, its 40 miles long and has 3500' of climb, most of it in the first 20 miles.  It is not an easy ride by any stretch.  The group stayed together for the first 10 miles, then the break occurred.  Four G1 riders kept a hard pace as the road started to pitch upwards and I decided to follow.  It was not easy, but I hammered through and kept them close all the way to the water stop at mile 20 (Thanks Tina!).  Then comes the fun part, big downhills with small rolling climbs.  It was great for me to try to stay on and improve on the down hill, mimicking their lines and doing my best to match their speed.  A right turn on Skyline Truck trail and then there are only 2 climbs until the parking lot.  The pace was grueling and my heart was beating at maximum, but I stayed with them...mostly.  I had a great time with MJ, Brent, Frank, and David.  Best ride ever, hands down.

Back at the parking lot I displayed the beautiful statues donated by my mother commemorating the CAF and the QMDC.  One will be showcased at  Joy's Brew Bash this Friday.  I will auction one on eBay (soon!) and the third was donated to the QMDC ride leaders for their fundraiser on October 2.  Afterwards I visited the Trek Store to restock on Chamois Butter (because there is never enough) and saw a Scott and BR Cycling Team jersey on display at the front of the store.  Cool!

This Saturday is my fundraiser, The Bicycle Poker Run.  Join us for 40+ fun miles mixed with a luck of the draw poker hand.  Best and Worst hands are winners.  You could walk away with some cool prizes, but for sure have a great ride with awesome people.  $25 to ride, bring a friend!  Ride starts at 8am, please park in the lower lot.  Rubios fundraiser all day after the ride, too.  Print a flyer and visit any of the participating locations, 20% of sales go directly to Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Also, I am offering a bicycle clean and tune service for your gunked up rig.  Pricing starts at $20 for QMDC riders, and $30 for all other friends.  If your bicycle is really neglected, I kindly accept additional donations to my QMDC efforts.  Your bike will be happy, you will be too.

Banner Duty, Day 2

September 18, 2009

Today was the second outing as the marketing squad for the 5 finalists of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge. With the Samsung World Championships at Torrey Pines Golf Course, I thought it would be a good idea to head over to the hill and Double X it.  I stuck with the training idea because of inspiration from my favorite shirt.  Me, My Bike, My Cause, Just Do It.
I showed up early and it was still dark, I set out and planted signs up the entire grade and on guardrails up the hill after plastering the back of the car parked on the street.  I chalked the bike lane in both directions with the best XX1090 frehanded logo I could do while the dodging riders going up and down the hill. I sported the Scott & BR Jersey and started the hill repeats.  I chatted with riders as I went up the grade about CAF, the QMDC, and the mission I was on with the banners on the hill.

I was listening to the show when it would stream through the phone, and was amazed at the impressive marketing efforts my teammates were brining to the table.  All were over the top ideas, Great work everyone.

I saw quite a few CAF and QMDC jerseys out this morning.  Everyone seemed to be enjoying the great (or painful) workout that Torrey Pines provides.  Thanks to everyone for all of the shouts and honks today, and remember to listen to the Scott & BR Show on  XX1090 between 5 and 9 am.

Two riders will be eliminated this week, and Scott Kaplan couldn't have been more right when he said that things were going to change.  Who will it be, tune in Wednesday morning to find out.  Good luck everyone!

Banner Duty, Day 1

September 17, 2009

So each of the Fab Five have a huge roll of banners for XX1090 and the Padres and we are supposed to do something with it.

First, I put some on my patio glass wall for all the people eating at Nugent's and Chilis to see as well as all the folks that use the Scripps Poway Parkway Park and Ride.

This morning I went down to The Cancer Survivor's Park in Spanish Landing and set out all my banners, set up my bike in a trainer, and started spinning. I called in around 7:00 and had a brief
spot on the air Great Friends were driving by, honking, and hollaring
"GREAT FRIENDS!" all morning. A guy stopped after driving by and asked if he could shoot some video of me, because it was possibly the most random and interesting thing he had seen in a while. We are not talking camcorder stuff here, he broke out a pro quality video rig. When he sends the video, I'll share.

Afterwards I stopped by the station and grabbed some more banners. I cannot wait until tomorrow...

The Fab Five Ride On...

September 16, 2009

We all gathered in the XX1090 studio this morning with Scott & BR at the Cox Communication Studios. Nerves were high, but I think it was mostly due to the looming elimination. Alex went first, and dropped a plug for Nature Bee and his story, it was my turn. I think I am getting used to being on the air, because I was a bit looser than I have been in the past. Scott Kaplan introduced me as the Lance Armstrong of the group, again and I responded that it was not a fair comparison because he is one up on me. Well that opened up a whole can of worms...but its cool, I am totally open about it, anyways. I think we all got too wrapped up with that piece of information that I neglected to plug my own events, although I did follow Alex's lead and say that only Kinetico fresh water could quench my thirst for victory. Shameless! I had a great time in the studio, and probably will no longer be introduced as the Lance Armstrong of the group, but the guy with no balls, as Scott said as he wrapped up.

So then came the twist...Joy had immunity...they played the knives sharpening and the survivor one was eliminated. But there is a twist. We were provided with a roll of XX1090 banners and to go out and do something with them then call the station to let them know what we are up too. Hmmm. Interesting. I think I have a plan...

Final 4 Announcement Coming Soon! and Housekeeping

On Wednesday, September 16 between 6:30 and 7:00 am I will be in Studio with Scott & BR for the announcement of the Final 4 contestants of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge. Joy has immunity and so she is safe. What is going to happen, who is going to advance? Tune in to XX1090am to find out. Wish me Luck!

It is less than 2 weeks until the weekend chocked full of fundraising events. Joy's Brew Bash is next Friday, September 25 and my Bicycle Poker Run is the next day. Also on that Saturday is a Rubios Fundraiser. Download the form and visit the participating locations, 20% of your purchase goes to CAF. Acoustic Night, this Wednesday with Brian Brillo. You have to check this guy out, he can sing and the yogurt is out of this world.

I have added another small fundraiser to my program. Inspired by the collateral damage of repairing a dirty bike, I am offering to clean and tune any QMDC riders bike for $20, maybe a little more if it is extremely bad. How do you know if it is extremely bad? Trust me, you know. This Saturday is available for all the cleaning you can throw at me, Sunday afternoon too. How do you get your bike done? Send me an email and reserve a slot, and bring it to my home in Scripps Ranch (I-15 and Scripps Poway Parkway).

See you on the road.

Day Two - Back to Back Centuries

September 13, 2009

I woke up feeling better today. I was absolutely depleted after the ride yesterday, so I applied some of my Hormone Replacement Therapy medication (HRT) last evening and then again this morning to help pep me up a bit. I had many conversations on the trip about HRT, and that there really is a condition called Andropause. usually it is a natural result of the body simply producing less hormone as you age, but for me its a bit different. Without the medication, my body actually has less testosterone than any
average female. It is a small price to pay for the gift I have received.

We met for a group photo in front of the fountain before rolling out. I rode with group 3 and the 3 Mikes. The trip was a pretty calm one. There was more headwind than I preferred but we made decent time down to coast. I was able to meet some new folks and lend a hand when needed. Brian Sorokin pinched his rear tube and I jumped in to help. I grabbed the wheel while they were trying to find the tire irons. I wrenched the tire off with my hands and pulled the tube out and could not find any puncture point. We joked about how dirty his bike was and it inspired me to do another fundraiser ($20 bike clean and tune). Col. Mike found the snakebit from the pinch and we threw another tube in. We went to pump it up and the stem was too short. I gave him one of mine and we were rolling again. We chattted about fundraising and he offered to contact someone to help with the finishing on the BBQ Island. I now have the tile labor included with the BBQ island! Awesome, Thanks!

The group continued to fracture as we made out
way down the coast. Brian and I rode on the back for a while and played sheepdog, trying to help bring the struggling riders back to the
group. There were quite a few guys struggling in the last few miles. Not many people have done back to back centuries, so the amount of rest, hydration, and nutrition was an experiment. I would venture to say a lot of lessons were learned on highway 101.

I practiced what I preached and cleanded my rig as soon as I got home. I enjoyed an nice cool shower and some couch time and football with the lady. Great weekend!

Thanks to all the CAF staff, ride guides, and support folks for all of their efforts. It was well planned and executed perfectly. And thanks to all of the riders, fundraisers and new friends, too! It is such a pleasure to surround myself with such great people as you each weekend.

Day One - Back to Back Centuries

September 12, 2009

The day started early in the parking lot at Fletcher Cove, for an immunity

challenge. I had immunity the last two weeks, so I was excite to unveil my new additions: A Livestrong inspired pirate skeleton, and a bmx style number and sponsor plate, # 1090 of course. The immunity challenge was a straight forward quiz, name the ride guides and event chairment for the
QMDC. I knew the 10 guides, and 2 chairmen and quickly wrote them
down + one bonus guestguide from a few weeks ago. Joy was a bit quicker and went for some bonus by listing ride leader and event

doctor Mike McHale, and Coach Mari Holden. Someone had their coffee! Congrats Joy for advancing to the Final 4!

I still was not feeling 100%, so I decided that it was the right day to ride group 4 (G4). Brian Brillo also joined the group. Group 4 is the group that is out on the road to have a good time. There is no rush, no rivalries, and everyone wears big smiles (most of the time). The group is filled with lots of great personalites and truly fun people to ride with. Steady as she goes should be the motto back there as comfortable progress is cranked out and no rider is left behind.

There is one celebrity rider in the group. David Lee is out there every weekend cranking out the miles with his arms. He was in an accident that left him without the use of his legs. Every town we rode through, people would hollar and cheer him on. The best was in San Clemente as two young ladies headed to the beach yelled. "GET DOWN WITH YOUR BAD SELF!" to David Lee as he rolled past. His response. "Ever hear of David Lee Roth..." Too funny.

The ride was a calm one. We steadily made our way through Oceanside, Camp Pendleton, te awesome and fun rolling hills of San Clemente, Dana Point, Lagunas, Seal Beach, and the breezy stretches of Huntington Beach. Then we roll through Long Beach. At first it is really nice, Sharrows and all. (Sharrows are the green bicycle/bike lanes on the congested roads of the downtown area). After that is the less pretty area by the port with pretty rough roads from all of the truck traffic. David Lee hit a huge pothole. It really jerked his handcycle and his tire was immediately flat. We had become seperated from the group, and there was only 4 of us at a tiny gas station in Industrial Long Beach. I assisted David and changed the sew up tire on his rear wheel. Sew ups are a bit more difficult as they are held on the the rim with glue and the tension of the tube and tire. It was easier than I thought, but required a lot of muscle.

The remainder of the days trip was very enjoyable, up and around Palos Verdes until finally, you are out of the trees and homes and there is the resort. What a sight for sore eyes. We were

staying at Terranea, a new, beutiful resort on the cliffs over the pacific ocean. This place was amazing. First thing was a shower before heading to the welcome reception and buffet with the crew. You get used to seeing people in the cycling gear and sometimes it is hard to recognize them in street clothes. The meal was very good and the company and conversations very enjoyable as well. I was nackered and asleep well before 9:30. What a great day. 105 miles down, 105 to go.

Big Ride, Testoster-woes, a Touch of the Ick, and a Helping Hand

September 11, 2009

First just a brief moment to touch on the date today. It is all to easy to
forget that being patriotic and supporting the soldiers, the firefighters, the emergency medical people, law enforcment offices, and all civil servants should happen more often than on September 11th, July 4th, Memorial Day, etc... Make it a habit to shake the hand of that young Marine at the airport, thank that Firefighter at the grocery store, and appreciate and wave at the police officer when she is patrolling your neighbood streets. Regardless of your political position, be appreciative and supportive of the people that serve our great country on foreign soil and here in the Great United States of America. I remember that morning very vividly...I will never forget.

Tomorrow is the first leg of a big ride for the QMDC Crew. 100 miles to L.A. on Saturday, and 100 miles back on Sunday. This will be a first for many of the riders. The training program has been well planned out and this should be a slam dunk for everyone. I can't wait to get out there and ride!

So the hormone troubles continue... I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of the new prescription. It was supposed to arrive this week, but no such luck. It is the same old story. The mornings are great, but I start to run out of steam around 2pm. This weekends ride will be a real challenge and probably deplete my hormone levels. It is such a struggle to stay productive and positive when you simply don't feel like your normal self.

I have been fighing a bug all week long, I guess it has been going around. I had mild fever most evenings earlier this week, and really did not get very restful sleep. I worked at home today to help recharge my batteries, feel better, and get ready to hit the road tomorrow. I am going to have to bring it back to a more comfortable pace and let my body recover a bit more. Group 4 is sounding pretty good for tomorrow.

I was in front of my garage this evening cleaning my bike and getting it ready for the long trip this weekend. A neighbor stopped and asked me a few questions about bicycles and if I could tell him how to change the pedals on his rig. I told him to bring it over and we can fix it together. He was new to the sport and had an unbadged heavy hybrid bike with mismatched components, but was still putting in some serious mileage. He became interested in riding while watching the Tour De France and picked up his bike on Craigslist. Awesome! Riding is all about having fun and getting some bonus fitness along with it. I put his bike on the stand and cleaned up the drivetrain for him, removed many years of old grease from the chain and got the tuning all set for smooth shifting. We also got the pedals swapped out, even though they were installed by The Incredible Hulk. They were really on there! He was impressed on how simple it was to tune the bike and very greatful for the help. I really enjoy helping others get involved with the sport, assisting a rider on the road, or offering encouraging words to a rider struggling on a hill. After all, we were all that rider once upon a time. See you on the road Freddy.

Fab Five

September 9, 2009

Joy was on The Scott & BR Show this morning to discuss the immunity challenge and lead into the elimination. I was safe today, as Joy was required to give immunity away and chose me last Sunday. I was really nervous for everyone. We have come so far on this journey together and it is hard to watch as the field gets cut each week. The positive part is that everyone is continuiong to train and raise funds to participate in the QMDC in October.

Then came the familiar Survivor music and the dreaded sound of knives sharpening. Scott had a little fun with Joy leading up to the announcement. Then it came. Joe Weickgenant aka Radio Show Joe was released. Joe is a great guy, strong rider, and very helpful in the group. Sorry to see you go, Joe.

So, here is your Fab Five:

Adam Beck
Brian Brillo
Alex Hamlow
Rob Millum
Joy Muehlenbein

Immunity with a Twist, Elfin Forest, and Some Much Needed Rest

September 6, 2009

This week's ride started with another 6:15 Immunity Challenge. A bit of a
twist this week...It was a luck of the draw (Grab a water bottle out of a bag, one of them contains immunity). Joy was the lucky one that drew the bottle with the yellow slip of paper in it. But then, the twist, she had to give it away. Talk about a surprise, she was caught totally off guard. She gave it a thought and gave it to me! I was shocked, because I had immunity last week. Wow, immunity 2 weeks in a row, and a guaranteed spot in the final 5! Thanks Joy!

After the immunity drawing, Scott Houts aka Hooter and Mike Hower talked to us a bit about the ride experience and sent out an invitation for us to ride with their groups and get to know each other a bit more. I will definately we riding with their groups this coming weekend with the back to back century rides.

Just prior to the ride I presented my additions to the immunity pump. It received a literal dose of testosterone with an emergency dose of Androgel, a CAF and XX1090 tatooed Incredible Hulk "donation Bank", Livestrong Band, and a XX1090 mobile broadcast setup. During my moments talking about the pump, a lady hollared "I guess we see who here is testosterone defficient!" I played it down and actually gave it no thought because I crack jokes about my condition all the time. After the ride she came over to me and appologized. I told her not to worry, and shared my cancer history. It turns out that she is quite the cancer advocate herself and is involved with some inspirational philanthropy work as well.

The ride was a quick 40 miles. I was set to ride with group 3 as the combined group 1 and 2 rolled out. I looked back at the size of group three and decided that it was a bit large and rolled with Rob Lindbloom to catch the tail end of 1 and 2.

We rode the Elfin Forest loop, but in the opposite direction that it is usually done. It is a great course and the new pavement and long stretches without stops make it one of the best rides in San Diego. I spent much of the day at the back of the pack helping sweep riders up the main group when I could help out. I spent some time riding with Scott Rhodes, Scott Kaplan, and Jeffrey Essakow. After we reached San Elijo the pace picked up and we were back in Solana Beach in no time flat.

Everyone hung out in the parking lot for a while and discussed fundraising, and met a few of the past Scott & BR Cycling Challenge riders. There were a few guests in the parking lot. Bob Babbit and Rudy Garcia Tolsen stopped by to say hello before going to the cove for a workout. Rudy is training to be the first bilateral above knee amputee to complete the Ford Ironman World Championship. Talk about inspiring!

I am continuing to struggle with my hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I feel depleted after almost any activity. So I made time for a nice kip after the ride. I crashed for almost 3 hours. It was quite nice.

Test Ride

September 5, 2009

Today I decided to do something different. The
Trek Demo Trailer was in town and set up for test rides of the new Trek Madone 6 series. That is the same bike that I ride, I must say have no complaints about, but there has been so much talk about the new setup that I had to go try it out to see what all the hype is. It was a good change from the normal Saturday routine, and I got to see a bunch of old friends.

I went out to Mission Trails and they had it all setup. 2 trailers, and at least 50 bikes from Trek and Gary Fisher. They had all of the top mountain bikes and a good selection of new Madones, Gary Fisher road bikes, and even the Trek Women's Specific Design bikes too! The line was long, so I went out on my own bike to do some repeats up Mission Gorge Road to wait for the lines to shorten and tackle a new hill that I have not climbed before.

I got back to the tents and the bike was available to test. I went back up Mission Gorge and was at a loss for words on the performace of the new Madone. It was super stiff, yet more comfortable than the older generation. They made so many changes I could not list them all, but the new paint and all internal cabling get a thumbs up from me. Everything that they are saying is true. Keep up the good work, Trek.

Only 6 remain...

September 2, 2009

Today was elimination day for the Scott & BR Cycling Team It is always a nerve-racking time, the anticipation is enough to drive you mad. I did not have to worry about elimination today because I won immunity last week before the ride, but I was still nervous for the other riders. I do not know who makes the decisions or what the criteria is, but I tell you that it has to be a tough job. We have aa great group of riders competing for the title, each with a great story and personality. But this is a contest and there can only be one winner.

I was called by the station and had a great interview with Scott & BR. I was introduced as "The Lance Armstrong of the group..." now thats comical, he's one up on me! We touched on my cancer story a bit and talked about the group of riders and how much we have bonded over the last few months. Immediately following my air time was a surprise interview with Alex 'The Comeback Kid' Hamlow. He joined us back on the road on Sunday after spending 6 weeks mending a broken collarbone. They gave him a goood scare at the end, making him think he was up for elimination, but he was safe. He must have been shaking in his boots until the end. If you missed the show, you can catch it in the XX1090 archives (download link). The segment starts at around 41 minutes.

The eliminations had to come. Pat Thomas and Mark Vandierendonck were cut from the competition. Both are great guys, I hope that we will continue to see them riding with the group each Sunday.

So, here is the Final 6

Adam Beck
Brian Brillo
Alex Hamlow
Joy Muehlenbein
Rob Millum
Joe Weickgenant