Announcement Delayed...

September 23, 2009

The fab five was on the phone with Scott & BR this morning waiting for the announcement of the final 3.  After brief interviews, the familiar sound of sharpening knives came over the speaker.  There are 5 envelopes, each one with one of our names on it.  What's inside?  The verdict, will we stay or go?

Then the announcement.  Scott asked BR who's envelope he would like to see opened first and there was a brief debate between Alex "The Comeback Kid" Hamlow and "Naked" Joy.  So they opened Joy's envelope....she's in!  Congrats Joy!

"Sorry guys, we are out of time, time for the salute to the Marine Corps, we will have to continue tomorrow."  Ugh.  Oh well, I suppose I can wait.

Tune in tomorrow at 6:45 to see which 2 of the 4 guys will be sent home.  XX1090am or

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