The Fab Five Ride On...

September 16, 2009

We all gathered in the XX1090 studio this morning with Scott & BR at the Cox Communication Studios. Nerves were high, but I think it was mostly due to the looming elimination. Alex went first, and dropped a plug for Nature Bee and his story, it was my turn. I think I am getting used to being on the air, because I was a bit looser than I have been in the past. Scott Kaplan introduced me as the Lance Armstrong of the group, again and I responded that it was not a fair comparison because he is one up on me. Well that opened up a whole can of worms...but its cool, I am totally open about it, anyways. I think we all got too wrapped up with that piece of information that I neglected to plug my own events, although I did follow Alex's lead and say that only Kinetico fresh water could quench my thirst for victory. Shameless! I had a great time in the studio, and probably will no longer be introduced as the Lance Armstrong of the group, but the guy with no balls, as Scott said as he wrapped up.

So then came the twist...Joy had immunity...they played the knives sharpening and the survivor one was eliminated. But there is a twist. We were provided with a roll of XX1090 banners and to go out and do something with them then call the station to let them know what we are up too. Hmmm. Interesting. I think I have a plan...

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