Greatest Western

September 20, 2009

Today we tackled my favorite of all the well known rides in San Diego, the Great Western.  I showed up early to double X the parking lot and spread my banners around the entrances prior to the other riders showing up.  I saved all the banners (except for one that I left on Torrey Pines, but was gone when I went back to collect it...oops, I feel bad about it.)  The riders trickled in and we had our normal morning routine, briefing, event announcements, then we rode off. The new HRT has been treating me very well, and I have been feeling great so I rode with Group 1 and 2.  I have ridden with each group but G1 so I decided that that I would try to hang on.   A little background on this ride, its 40 miles long and has 3500' of climb, most of it in the first 20 miles.  It is not an easy ride by any stretch.  The group stayed together for the first 10 miles, then the break occurred.  Four G1 riders kept a hard pace as the road started to pitch upwards and I decided to follow.  It was not easy, but I hammered through and kept them close all the way to the water stop at mile 20 (Thanks Tina!).  Then comes the fun part, big downhills with small rolling climbs.  It was great for me to try to stay on and improve on the down hill, mimicking their lines and doing my best to match their speed.  A right turn on Skyline Truck trail and then there are only 2 climbs until the parking lot.  The pace was grueling and my heart was beating at maximum, but I stayed with them...mostly.  I had a great time with MJ, Brent, Frank, and David.  Best ride ever, hands down.

Back at the parking lot I displayed the beautiful statues donated by my mother commemorating the CAF and the QMDC.  One will be showcased at  Joy's Brew Bash this Friday.  I will auction one on eBay (soon!) and the third was donated to the QMDC ride leaders for their fundraiser on October 2.  Afterwards I visited the Trek Store to restock on Chamois Butter (because there is never enough) and saw a Scott and BR Cycling Team jersey on display at the front of the store.  Cool!

This Saturday is my fundraiser, The Bicycle Poker Run.  Join us for 40+ fun miles mixed with a luck of the draw poker hand.  Best and Worst hands are winners.  You could walk away with some cool prizes, but for sure have a great ride with awesome people.  $25 to ride, bring a friend!  Ride starts at 8am, please park in the lower lot.  Rubios fundraiser all day after the ride, too.  Print a flyer and visit any of the participating locations, 20% of sales go directly to Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Also, I am offering a bicycle clean and tune service for your gunked up rig.  Pricing starts at $20 for QMDC riders, and $30 for all other friends.  If your bicycle is really neglected, I kindly accept additional donations to my QMDC efforts.  Your bike will be happy, you will be too.

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