Day One - Back to Back Centuries

September 12, 2009

The day started early in the parking lot at Fletcher Cove, for an immunity

challenge. I had immunity the last two weeks, so I was excite to unveil my new additions: A Livestrong inspired pirate skeleton, and a bmx style number and sponsor plate, # 1090 of course. The immunity challenge was a straight forward quiz, name the ride guides and event chairment for the
QMDC. I knew the 10 guides, and 2 chairmen and quickly wrote them
down + one bonus guestguide from a few weeks ago. Joy was a bit quicker and went for some bonus by listing ride leader and event

doctor Mike McHale, and Coach Mari Holden. Someone had their coffee! Congrats Joy for advancing to the Final 4!

I still was not feeling 100%, so I decided that it was the right day to ride group 4 (G4). Brian Brillo also joined the group. Group 4 is the group that is out on the road to have a good time. There is no rush, no rivalries, and everyone wears big smiles (most of the time). The group is filled with lots of great personalites and truly fun people to ride with. Steady as she goes should be the motto back there as comfortable progress is cranked out and no rider is left behind.

There is one celebrity rider in the group. David Lee is out there every weekend cranking out the miles with his arms. He was in an accident that left him without the use of his legs. Every town we rode through, people would hollar and cheer him on. The best was in San Clemente as two young ladies headed to the beach yelled. "GET DOWN WITH YOUR BAD SELF!" to David Lee as he rolled past. His response. "Ever hear of David Lee Roth..." Too funny.

The ride was a calm one. We steadily made our way through Oceanside, Camp Pendleton, te awesome and fun rolling hills of San Clemente, Dana Point, Lagunas, Seal Beach, and the breezy stretches of Huntington Beach. Then we roll through Long Beach. At first it is really nice, Sharrows and all. (Sharrows are the green bicycle/bike lanes on the congested roads of the downtown area). After that is the less pretty area by the port with pretty rough roads from all of the truck traffic. David Lee hit a huge pothole. It really jerked his handcycle and his tire was immediately flat. We had become seperated from the group, and there was only 4 of us at a tiny gas station in Industrial Long Beach. I assisted David and changed the sew up tire on his rear wheel. Sew ups are a bit more difficult as they are held on the the rim with glue and the tension of the tube and tire. It was easier than I thought, but required a lot of muscle.

The remainder of the days trip was very enjoyable, up and around Palos Verdes until finally, you are out of the trees and homes and there is the resort. What a sight for sore eyes. We were

staying at Terranea, a new, beutiful resort on the cliffs over the pacific ocean. This place was amazing. First thing was a shower before heading to the welcome reception and buffet with the crew. You get used to seeing people in the cycling gear and sometimes it is hard to recognize them in street clothes. The meal was very good and the company and conversations very enjoyable as well. I was nackered and asleep well before 9:30. What a great day. 105 miles down, 105 to go.

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