Only 6 remain...

September 2, 2009

Today was elimination day for the Scott & BR Cycling Team It is always a nerve-racking time, the anticipation is enough to drive you mad. I did not have to worry about elimination today because I won immunity last week before the ride, but I was still nervous for the other riders. I do not know who makes the decisions or what the criteria is, but I tell you that it has to be a tough job. We have aa great group of riders competing for the title, each with a great story and personality. But this is a contest and there can only be one winner.

I was called by the station and had a great interview with Scott & BR. I was introduced as "The Lance Armstrong of the group..." now thats comical, he's one up on me! We touched on my cancer story a bit and talked about the group of riders and how much we have bonded over the last few months. Immediately following my air time was a surprise interview with Alex 'The Comeback Kid' Hamlow. He joined us back on the road on Sunday after spending 6 weeks mending a broken collarbone. They gave him a goood scare at the end, making him think he was up for elimination, but he was safe. He must have been shaking in his boots until the end. If you missed the show, you can catch it in the XX1090 archives (download link). The segment starts at around 41 minutes.

The eliminations had to come. Pat Thomas and Mark Vandierendonck were cut from the competition. Both are great guys, I hope that we will continue to see them riding with the group each Sunday.

So, here is the Final 6

Adam Beck
Brian Brillo
Alex Hamlow
Joy Muehlenbein
Rob Millum
Joe Weickgenant

1 comment:

  1. Adam - I couldn't think of another way to get you this information. The socks you want are at

    See you next weekend.

