San Clemente Take 2

September 27, 2009

After my monster nap yesterday, I was concerned with falling asleep last night and more so waking up in time this morning for the QMDC training ride.  The alarm went off at 5:30 and I was up and ready to go.  We met up at Fletcher Cove as we normally do and congratulated and thanked each other for the successful fundraising weekend.  We even had a chance to grab a photo of the final 3.

Unfortunately, one of us will be cut from the team this week.  We don't know what will happen or how the decision is made, but I do know this.  It has been an honor to make it this far with Alex and Joy.  You are great people and great friends.

We were supposed to head up the coast and have a big ride inland, but the temperatures have been rather warm lately and the coaches decided to modify the ride to go up the coast to San Clemente and back.  Same mileage, less hills and heat.  Before the ride, Hooter asked me if I would help him today with group 4 and be his sweeper, since he was fighting the crud.  I was flattered and happy to lend a hand.I was joined by a big group of the Scott & BR Cycling Team Final 10, Brian, Joy, Pat, and Mark also rolled with the "Fun Group" aka G4.  I did not have the chance to get any miles in this week, so G4 suited me pretty well.  We got split at a bunch of stoplights in the beginning and had one rider decide that he did not have it in him to ride today after a few miles.  Hooter went back to find him while I was the locomotive pulling the split train of riders back to the main group.  No sooner than we had caught up, there was a flat.  A huge tire cut...  I was not carrying a boot, so we fixed it with a dollar bill and some duct tape.  It held until San Clemente, and Dr. Bob went to a LBS and got a new tire.  I was very impressed with the riding in the group today, everyone rode strong and had a great time.  At Camp Pendleton, Hooter pulled the pin and rode back.  I hope you feel better soon, Hooter!

The ride back was pretty uneventful aside from Jodi having some mechanical issues resulting from a crash a few weeks ago.  Her front rim was a bit bent and rubbing a little.  No one wants to ride with extra resistance, so I tried everything I could to fix it, but there was still something holding her back.  She powered through and we met up with Diane in Oceanside and enjoyed a casual pace back to the cove.  Great job everyone, and thanks for the privilege of being your 'sweeper'.

Well, this is an end to another memorable week with a great group of people.  I have enjoyed every moment of this journey and again will say I am very please to call you all my friends.  Tune in this Wednesday for another elimination from the Scott & BR Cycling Team.  It is hard to believe that we have been training together for 17 weeks, and in less than 2 there will be only one rider left to claim victory.  I suppose time does fly when you are having fun...

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