Big Ride, Testoster-woes, a Touch of the Ick, and a Helping Hand

September 11, 2009

First just a brief moment to touch on the date today. It is all to easy to
forget that being patriotic and supporting the soldiers, the firefighters, the emergency medical people, law enforcment offices, and all civil servants should happen more often than on September 11th, July 4th, Memorial Day, etc... Make it a habit to shake the hand of that young Marine at the airport, thank that Firefighter at the grocery store, and appreciate and wave at the police officer when she is patrolling your neighbood streets. Regardless of your political position, be appreciative and supportive of the people that serve our great country on foreign soil and here in the Great United States of America. I remember that morning very vividly...I will never forget.

Tomorrow is the first leg of a big ride for the QMDC Crew. 100 miles to L.A. on Saturday, and 100 miles back on Sunday. This will be a first for many of the riders. The training program has been well planned out and this should be a slam dunk for everyone. I can't wait to get out there and ride!

So the hormone troubles continue... I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of the new prescription. It was supposed to arrive this week, but no such luck. It is the same old story. The mornings are great, but I start to run out of steam around 2pm. This weekends ride will be a real challenge and probably deplete my hormone levels. It is such a struggle to stay productive and positive when you simply don't feel like your normal self.

I have been fighing a bug all week long, I guess it has been going around. I had mild fever most evenings earlier this week, and really did not get very restful sleep. I worked at home today to help recharge my batteries, feel better, and get ready to hit the road tomorrow. I am going to have to bring it back to a more comfortable pace and let my body recover a bit more. Group 4 is sounding pretty good for tomorrow.

I was in front of my garage this evening cleaning my bike and getting it ready for the long trip this weekend. A neighbor stopped and asked me a few questions about bicycles and if I could tell him how to change the pedals on his rig. I told him to bring it over and we can fix it together. He was new to the sport and had an unbadged heavy hybrid bike with mismatched components, but was still putting in some serious mileage. He became interested in riding while watching the Tour De France and picked up his bike on Craigslist. Awesome! Riding is all about having fun and getting some bonus fitness along with it. I put his bike on the stand and cleaned up the drivetrain for him, removed many years of old grease from the chain and got the tuning all set for smooth shifting. We also got the pedals swapped out, even though they were installed by The Incredible Hulk. They were really on there! He was impressed on how simple it was to tune the bike and very greatful for the help. I really enjoy helping others get involved with the sport, assisting a rider on the road, or offering encouraging words to a rider struggling on a hill. After all, we were all that rider once upon a time. See you on the road Freddy.

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