Only Three Remain

September 24, 2009

After the programming delay on Wednesday (and lots of nerves waiting an additional 24 hours), we gathered on the phone lines again with Scott & BR for the opening of the 4 remaining envelopes that will reveal our fate.  To our surprise, Joy was in the studio.  To her surprise, she had to be the one to open the envelopes and read the results, harsh!

Rob Millum opened with some incredible words prior to the announcement, very touching and very true.  I would venture to say that all of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge team members feel exactly the same.  I could not have said it better myself if I tried.  Basically, we all came together as competitors but quickly realized that this is about way more than a ride down the coast.  It's about the inspirational stories of the challenged athletes, it about the friendships and camaraderie, its about being an ambassador for the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Then the survivor music came on...

Envelope number one was mine.  Joy opens it, I am safe.
Envelope number two was Brian's.  Joy opens it, he is going home.
Envelope number three was Alex's.  Joy opens it, he is safe, Rob is going home.

Eliminations are so hard.  I do not know who is making the decisions or what the criteria is, but I do know that we are all working really hard, promoting XX1090 and CAF, and training our behinds off.  We have become really close friends over the last few months, and these are the friendships that will last for ages.

So here's the final three.  Joy, Alex, and myself.  We are great friends and have been working together from pretty much the beginning brainstorming fundraising ideas and supporting each other with our individual efforts.  I am proud to be at this stage of the contest standing next to these two wonderful individuals.  I was asked if being in the final three going to change tactics?  No way, I am positive that I speak for the other 2 when I say that we are going to keep doing the same things we have been doing: Training hard, Promoting the CAF and XX1090, helping other riders out, fundraising, and having a great time along the way.

Thanks for you support everyone, see you this weekend.

Brew Bash Fundraiser Friday Night at La Jolla Brew House
Poker Run Fundraiser Saturday morning
See link(s) on the right side of blog for more information.

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