Bike is Rebuilt!

I received a replacement frame earlier this week for my Madone. Apparently, the 2008 model had some issues with paint and cracks, my first one showing up during my ride down the coast from San Francisco in June. I did not think much of it, as I suspected it to be just paint cracking. My awesome friends at the San Diego Trek Superstore worked with the warranty claims and got me a nice new blue one (although I must admit, I was pretty fond of the white/black/red that I had.). I decide to build it myself, only getting assistance on the steerer cutting. I enjoyed the rebuild process, and found it to be pretty simple in the end. Thanks to all my buddies for convincing me to "make it my own." Any many thanks to the folks at the San Diego Trek Superstore!

Check out The Scott & BR Show tomorrow 5-9am in the morning on xx1090am if you are in San Diego or online everywhere else in the world.

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