No Hulk Here

August 27, 2009

I have been on my new hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for about a month. How's it going you may ask?

It could be a lot better....

I am lethargic.
I am distracted.
I am constantly tired.
I am not recovering quickly from exercise.
My mood is not as peppy as I prefer.
I have an increased urge to curl up on the couch with a bowl of ice cream and watch Steel Magnolias and The Notebook.
I am whiney. (Well, at least more than usual...)

Well, that was the list. Place special emphasis on the last item and procede with caution if we shall meet.

I had blood work done yesterday. The results showed acceptable total testosterone levels (625ng/dl), but all of the symptoms and timing of them directly correlate to the switch over from
one treatment to another. I have a new formula on the way, that's right, they are going to raise my dosage (again) and get me to the 700-750 range. Any higher than that and I might turn green, eat cars, and communicate by grunting. And besides, spandex may be flexible and stretchy, but there is a limit to how far it can go...

With any luck the new medication will arrive tomorrow and I will start feeling more human very soon!

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