Rain? In San Diego?

August 22, 2009

I was super excited to get out and ride with the
Trek group today on the new setup. Everything was tweaked, adjusted, clean, and perfect. Well, at least it started out that way.

We met up in Oceanside for a different cousrse than our normal schedule. Out and Back to Dana Point, no proble, The forcast called for a 30% chance of rain, and seeing that it is
San Diego, I was gambling on the 70%. No sooner than we got rolling through Camp Pendleton (thanks for letting us ride on your streets USMC) it started to sprinkle. I know, sprinkling is not raining, but when it doesnt rain 10 months out of the year, it is a pretty big deal. The streets are slick, the road paint is really slick, and the water gathering on the pavement is very nasty.

I stopped to help on of the riders with a flat near the Las Plugas exit. We made quick work of the change, but were quickly dropped by our group and quickly passed by the others. So we were off the back by a bit, we cranked it up and we were really clipping along because of a super strong tailwind, which is great, except this is an out and back, so we would have to ride back INTO the wind. Stink. We passed most of the group on the smooth sections of concrete on the bike path and met back up with our group at the rest stop.

We rolled out of San Clemente for a quick loop around Laguna Niguel, and it was still sprinkling. Our group kept fracturing so I fell back to the back a few time to pace everyone up and try to make it easier on everyone, well everyone aside from me at least. On of our guys had a little spill on a turn. He took it too hot and lost traction pon the wet road. I stopped to assist, but he was fine, just a few scrapes, and he was back rolling.

We regrouped again in San Clemente amd made our way back through San Onofre and Camp Pendleton. The wind was strong, but at least the rain had stopped. The rain freed up all the road grit, and it was like your legs were being sandblasted. We fought the wind all the way back, trying to keep some organization and share the work among the group. Once the clouds cleared, it got really hot, especially in Pendleton. I will admit that I did not drink enough during the day. When it is raining, your bottles are covered in grit, and sometimes really you dont feel thirsty...big mistake.

The bike was a mess. Started the day clean and perfect, not so much at the end. I spent 1.5 hours rinsing and scrubbing all of the oil and sand out of all the nooks and crannies. I suppose, what better way to break in the new gear, right?

It was an interesting day for sure. Chilly and raining with a tail wind going up, dirt, hot, and and a headwind back. As they say: "No bad rides."

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