Torrey Pines Time Trial & Immunity!

August 30, 2009

Another early start this morning with an immunity challenge
at 6:15. Pop Quiz, does that phrase still strike terror in your heart, bring back bad memories from high school? Name the seven cities in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. Wow, I have read and studied a lot of the literature, but I have not reviewed the course. So I attacked the problem with my experience of riding the coast in 5 days and was filled in the blanks from memory of the different jerseys I have seen on the training rides. (Each day during the QMDC, you get a jersey that features the city of the route.) So I attacked it with the ones I knew for sure and filled in the blanks.

1) San Francisco (Start)
2) Santa Cruz
3) Big Sur
4) San Luis Obispo/Pismo Beach
5) Santa Barbara
6) Marina Del Rey
7) Newport Beach
8) La Jolla (Arivee)

I relied on the jerseys for Santa Cruz and Marina Del Rey. I get to enjoy the gift of immunity for this weeks elimination. Listen in this Wednesday to XX1090am to The Scott & BR Show for the results. I have the task of adding a personal touch to the immunity pump. So far it has been jeweled on every surface, pimped out lowrider style, and it sports a mirror, horn, California 'PAT' license plate and has a lizard crawling up the side. I know what I want to do, just have to go find all the bits to do it, that is today's mission.

After the immunity challenge, the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge riders discussed our fundraising efforts. Together we have raised over $20,000 for Challenged Athletes Foundation. Alex Hamlow joined us back on the road today. It has been 6 weeks since he crashed on the descent of Mt. Palomar, and about 4 weeks since surgery to repair his broken collar bone. Welcom back Alex!

Today's ride was a short fitness test/individual time trial. We rolled out of Fletcher Cove at 7 and warmed up with a 5 mile ride through Del Mar to the base of Torrey Pines. There was a low turnout, with only around 20 people in the group. We were leaving at 1 minute intervals so there was some time to hang out or climb inside Torrey to warm up. I rode partially up the inside with Alex early, then got lined up. I was near the back, so I rode up a bit more before my turn to loosen up again.

Torrey Pines is probably the standard for hill climbs in San Diego. It is around 1.5 miles with approximately 450' of elevation gain. It is a nice steady climb.

I started out of the gate and held a strong pace for the first 2 minutes around 16mph. When the grade pitched up, I shifted to my small ring and threw my chain off the inside. I spent about 5 seconds trying to spin the chain back on and succeeded, but it messed up my rhythm. I maintained around 12 mph up the rest of the hill, and was surprised when I rounded the corner and saw the finish. I stood up and sprinted to the line. 7:11, was my time. I am satisfied with it and I know that I can push it more and get under 7 minutes for sure.

There was a flat at the top, one of the new riders (first time out) had a flat front. I helped them get the tube replaced and rolled back down the inside with Mike, Dean, and Scott. I had an explosive flat at the bottom. Split the tube 4" and knocked the tire off the rim. I quickly replaced the tube and used the SAG pump. Dean and Scott were having a good time commenting on method (Pumping with one hand while setting the tire bead with the other, nothing wrong with multi-tasking!).

Today was another great day on the road. Thanks Mari, Vikki, Mike, Dean, and Lisa for running the stopwatch!

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