Trek Ride, then Bad News

August 1, 2009

Today I rode as a guide for the Trek Superstore. I have ridden with this group for almost 2 years and have made some really great friends along the way. They have helped to 'transform' me. When I started riding with them I weighed in at just over 200 lbs, and was very unhealthy. The riders and guides motivated me to make a change in my lifestyle, and I have not looked back since. I started riding in the 'B' group which rides a 13-15 mph average, spent a season in the B+ group (15-17 mph) and then have ridden as a B+ guide all of this year.

Today was the first time that I was going to try to ride in the C group (17+ mph). I have been told that I am strong enough so I thought it was time to test myself. It was not an easy course today either, Elfin Forest, Bandy Canyon, and Rancho Santa Fe, 66 miles with 4,000 feet of elevation. We rolled out of Mira Costa College and before I knew it we were rolling back into the parking lot. We finished with a 19 mph average!

It was an awesome ride, and I needed it. My grandfather had spent the entire week in the 'horspital' as he called it. He was in pretty bad shape. I called home afterwards to chat with the family. They were busy splitting time between a family gathering and the hospital. I explained to my mother that it was an incredible ride and it was as if I was being helped the whole way.

A few hours later, I received a phone call. My grandfather had passed away

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