San Clemente Out 'n Back

July 19, 2009

I knew today would be a tough one. Groups 1 & 2 were rolling together. Coach Mari was with us too, so I expected a tough pace. "Just hold on," I told myself because I knew that if a gap formed I was toast. 

It wasn't too bad going North until Mari and Brent Smith led a little attack in Pendleton. I made the mistake of following (or trying to, rather). I burned a few too many matches and suffered the entire stretch North of the base.

I carried the pain back into the base and began to fall off a bit. Mari came up, gave me a boost, and a few words of encouragement and I was back in it. I was able to spend some time getting to talk with Mike Jennings on the cruise down the PCH. He is definately a valuable asset to our sport!

These rides are always enjoyable. The people are all really friendly and a pleasure to know, and the coaching and support is awesome. Thank you to all the ride leaders and support crew for all they do.

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