
August 19, 2009

I received an email late last evening from Vikki. I had to read it twice, to make sure I was comprehending it correctly. Homework, its been years since I has a composition assignment!

"Your assignment is to submit yet another paragraph. 100 words or less based on your experience with the ride/contest thus far. We are more than half way through our 20 week training program and I would like to hear your thoughts on being a part of the XX1090 contest and the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. We are all motivated and inspired by different aspects of this competition and I’m curious to hear what you have to say."

Hmmm. I am going to have to really think about this one. Afterall, it is almost twice as long as the first, 56 word essay.

Stay tuned, and if you are not tuned in to my blog, tune in to XX1090am.

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