Studio Interviews

August 13, 2009

This morning had an early start. I and my 9 Scott & BR Cycling Challenge finalist friends met at the Cox Communications Studio for live on the air interviews. I have to admit, even though I have been previously interviewed by Scott & BR, I was nervous. I did not know what to expect.

I was amazed at the amount of work
that goes on behind the scenes. When you tune in, you hear the hosts, Scott Kaplan and Billy Ray Smith with updates by Jack Cronin. Well, there is a lot more going on than that. John Pratt is in the producers box running the sound board and keeping the show on track. Then there are interns working on all sorts of tasks. It is a very impressive production.

I was the 7th contestant to sit in the chair, and at roughly 8:15 was on the air. The interview lasted about 2 minutes and I was able to say most of what I wanted to. I was recognized by Scott Kaplan for my Facebook posting during show.

I want to thank everyone for the kind calls, emails, and facebook comments. Now, lets put the words of engouragement into action. Click on my picture to the right and donate to the Challenged Athletes Foundation today!

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