Kitchen Creek

August 9, 2009

Another chilly start this morning! Everyone was searching for that little piece of sunlight as we were getting ready for todays popular ride, Kitchen Creek. Anyone that rides knows it, or knows of it. If you have never done it, it should be on your to do list...just don't do it alone.

The ride started as they usually do with a course briefing and other normal business. Brian Brillo got to show off his additions to the immunity pump. He pulled out all of the stops by adding handlebars complete with streamers, bottle cage, and even a QMDC bottle! Make no mistake, you can definately still see all of Joy's hard still looks like Liberace's bicycle pump. underneath the new enhancements.

Groups 1 and 2 rolled out of the parking lot in Pine Valley on schedule. I was definately a little stiff from yeasterdays effort in the climbing clinic. Immediately out of the gate, someones tire let loose. What a stink way to start a day on the bike... The course is a challenging one. There are slight rollers at the start but then it starts. Lots of UP...about 14 miles of nonstop climb with about 3000 feet of gain. You have to be mentally prepared for it. The hardest part is at the beginning, then the grade levels out after about 4 miles, and that is about the point that I noticed that I was gaining ground on Mike Henderson, our fearless leader. He had a flat, not a violent one, but a slow steady leak. I stopped to help, he changed the tube while I held his new (and beautiful) bicycle. He started to pump, but it wasnt taking air. Mike was ready to SAG it back to the car when Joe Weickgenant showed up. After using Joes tube and extension, we were rolling again. A little over halfway up, Joe had another violent tub explosion. Since both Joe and Mike were out of tubes, I gave him one of mine. No more flats...there was still 6 miles to go and one tube between the three of us.

It is a very peaceful climb if you take a minute to really look around. The vistas are incredible, just dont mind the millions of anthills and huge cow patties that litter the entire climb up the fire access road. We reached the pine trees and the ride gets easier. where the road hits Sunrise Highway, Tina was set up with all of our SAG goodies. I was nearly out of water so I was happy to see the wagon. We had fallen back pretty far with all of the flats, so we were rolling out with group 2.

Its an awesome ride down Sunrise Highway to the 79. Big descents with nice rollers and incredible views of the desert. We split up when we reached the 79 because our group was pretty large for the busy, narrow road. I enjoyed the comfortable pace all the way back to the car.

Another great day on the bike with good friends.

There was mention about all of the contestants going to the radio station this week. Stay tuned for more information on that.

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