Homework Finsihed

So, I got it done and submitted my essay last night. I wrote it on Wednesday and kept messing with it last night. Very concise, technical, and to the point...who would have thought.

The XX1090am radio contest, The QMDC, and the CAF have made a profound impact on me. TheScott & BR Cycling Challenge has kept me on my toes, presenting new challenges, experiences, and inspiration to do more. The organizers and support crew provide the best riding and charity experience, hands down. The participants are wonderful people that I am honored to know and ride with; I look forward to every ride and receive great satisfaction from helping others along when I am able. The friendships that have formed are ones that will last a lifetime.

I have a big weekend, 75 miles tomorrow with the Trek Store Group, then Sunday's QMDC ride. I cannot wait. I am loving every minute of this journey!

There have been some HUGE fundraising developments, stay tuned for some BIG news!

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